"Drive 4 Life" Teen Driver Education Program. This program is designed for young drivers between the ages of 15 1/2 and 19 who have a driver's license, a learner's permit, or are about to get one. The goal of the program is to educate our young drivers and their parents in an effort to promote traffic safety on our road ways and to prevent fatal traffic collisions. The program focuses on the four most common factors that lead to fatal traffic collisions involving young drivers: Speeding, Driving Under the Influence, Seat-belts, and Street Racing are all addressed in detail. This program is free and parents are encouraged to attend, as we address many of their questions and concerns about vehicle code compliance and safety recommendations. The program will be held at the Corona Police Department Training Center located at 730 Public Safety Way. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. and finish at 2:00 p.m.