February is a great time to over seed. Remember to dethatch and mow your yard at your mowers lowest setting. You may have to mow two or three times, progressively lowering the blade each pass. Do not prune spring flowering plants like rhaphiolepis, ligustrum, and photinia right now. You will be pruning off the buds that will soon blossom. You can however prune off any frost damage from winter on your plants at this time. You can also cut back ornamental grasses before new growth starts. We won’t likely get anymore prolonged cold weather, so if you are an backyard vegetable gardener, start seeds of beets, carrots, collards, fava beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, parsley, peas, rutabaga, spinach, and turnip. They do well in the cool days ahead. Gear up for spring and summer by turning on and adjusting each sprinkler head. Fix any leaks or breaks, and replace any clogged or broken nozzles. Set up your timer to water for about 7 minutes (standard pop up nozzles) 2-3 times per week. Turn off the timer after it rains, and leave it off for several days after.